Tuesday, 1 June 2010

March 2 3 4 keep it up 2 3 4. Sir, Yes Sir. Bootcamp workouts.

There is not much I can say about today. Not because I do not wish too, more to the point I am unable to!

Descriptive words include: sweat sweat sweat Abs! sweaty sweat sweat ridden sweat.

The instructor was even sweating today! A rather attractive, movie star like sweat BUT I saw it! It was there!

Today I think I managed to persuade myself it was too cold, too grey, too light, too dark, too murky, too brisk, just too much too.. To go out and do my run.

Time to pull out my punishment for being a lazy wimp. BOOTCAMP EVENING!.

War paint on, hair scrunched back, big baggy old t shirt as my camouflage. Muddy trainers acting as hobnail boots.

Somewhere, under the wobbly jelly like, but slightly sexy, well a little tiny bit if you squint, curvy hips and insulating belly my abs are pulsing and fidgeting.

Tonight my drill, sorry workout, required more coordination than I have. At times dumpy little arms and legs were verging on weapons of mass destruction as they whirled, kicked,‘quad starred’ ( no, I still have no idea either!) and ‘hooked’ in time to the beat.

In the end I admitted defeat at some points and just kept moving fighting to stay with the instructor the best I could, doing jumping jacks with wild flaying windmill arms when I got lost. I decided at least I was keeping my little pumping engine hammering.

Sweat is good sweat is good. Keep the mantra up in my head as I wipe it out of my eyes. Certainly not attractive but good!

This workout alternated three sections of plyometric moves (fast paced weight training plus some power moves without weights, short, strong jumping like jumped scissors or jumps combined with push-ups) and three cardio rotations..

The cardio was a shock to my system, totally undiluted it wasn’t the pumping I was used to but with some modifications hooks, kicks and a jump called "shooting the basket" oh yes I felt like a basket player! SCORE! Not so much a military precise boot camp trainee, but at least something different.)

Before the last cardio section I think most people are almost ready to give up, but the music is so motivating and the comedy moments of the wobbly bits failing remain funny enough, that this Dumpy One put all my energy I had left at this point into it for this last part.
The instructor being breathless as she drilled my body into positions it refused to pivot into had me almost saluting.

I can hear the Thud thud thuddery thud of my heart beat not only feel it.

The cool down (with core training) was more of a warm down for me! With some floorwork mainly abs and pushups.

I actually voiced the words ‘Ouch! Bloody hell! As crunches and abs were held.

Cool down my heart rate maybe, I still have sweat dripping down the cleavage!

I do have a confession to make… I did the majority of these moves without clutching weights.
My next encounter with my BootCamp drill instructor I will use light hand weights. This Short and Dumpy one is not too ashamed to admit I will have to build up slowly and steadily to increase the heaviness, unless I want to end up needing a platoon to scrape me off of the floor.

Gives me a good excuse to spend money on pretty coloured weights though. Wooohooo!

Some women worry weight training with bulk and hulk them up. My point of view is I am already bulky!

After some research, it seems weights help to build lean muscle that will increase metabolism and burn more calories faster than before… that’s what we like :D

AND MAKE ME SWEAT MORE ! Remember sweat is good! We love sweat because it means your body is burning carbohydrates, fats, or proteins to produce energy for your exercise and for recovery.

Sniff, sniff.. Hmmmm still embracing the sweat, but best I run up the stairs and embrace the shower too!

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